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Depo-Provera Injury Attorneys

Representation for Injured Depo-Provera Users

Did you use Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive, for one year or longer? Were you diagnosed with meningioma or intracranial meningioma after using it? Your rare type of tumor might have been caused by your Depo-Provera use, which could allow you to take legal action against Pfizer, the manufacturer of the drug.

Our highly experienced drug defect lawyers at Hilliard Law can act as your legal guides if you or a loved one were seriously injured or diagnosed with meningioma after using Depo-Provera®. Based on formal and legal complaints that have been filed against Pfizer, it appears that the high risk of meningioma linked to Depo-Provera was not disclosed to medical professionals or consumers. If so, Pfizer may be found negligent for manufacturing and selling an unsafe medication, which could make the Big Pharma company liable for your injury and losses.

Find out if you can file a Depo-Provera injury lawsuit. Call (877) 915-8955 or contact us online today.

What is Depo-Provera?

Depo-Provera, commonly referred to as “the birth control shot,” is an injectable contraceptive medication. It is administered every 3 months and interrupts ovulation. Doctors have mostly prescribed it for women who are unable to use other forms of birth control.

Depo-Provera’s Concerning Link to Meningioma

Depo-Provera use has been linked to a heightened risk of meningioma among users, especially women who have used the injectable birth control medication for more than a year. Meningioma is a type of tumor that grows either in the meningeal tissue of the brain (intracranial meningioma) or the meningeal layer of the spine. Most reported cases of meningioma linked to Depo-Provera involve intracranial meningioma. As intracranial meningioma grows, it can damage and put pressure on surrounding soft tissues like cells, nerves, and blood pathways in the brain, possibly causing severe complications.

Serious and common side effects of intracranial meningioma include:

  • Frequent migraines
  • Seizures
  • Vision loss
  • Hearing loss

Some people with intracranial meningioma may suffer from memory loss. In severe cases, the pressure applied by the growing tumor, which may or may not be cancerous, can cause fatal health complications. Surgery (if it is not considered inoperable as some are) and radiation are used most often as treatment options, and each carries its own high risks of complications.

Have you been experiencing unusual health problems since using Depo-Provera, like migraines, seizures, or problems with your hearing or vision? Please see your medical provider as soon as possible and mention that you are using Depo-Provera, which could be related to your symptoms. If any diagnostic tests are used to find the source of your health problems, make sure to get a copy of the results, which could be incredibly helpful to our Depo-Provera attorneys later.

Can Pfizer Be Liable for Depo-Provera Injuries?

Pfizer has been accused of failing to warn consumers and the medical community at large about Depo-Provera’s link to a higher risk of meningioma. Arguments have been made that Pfizer knew or reasonably should have known about this link yet did not take any steps to provide that important information to other parties. Strict product liability laws may also make it simpler for injured consumers to bring claims against Pfizer for selling a drug without properly marketing it.

Demanding Compensation on Your Behalf

Our Depo-Provera lawsuit attorneys are known throughout legal circles and among our clients as professionals who do not back down and who do not agree to unfair compromises. When you need compensation to recover from the harm Depo-Provera has caused you, we can dig deep into our resources to thoroughly investigate your losses and calculate the maximum amount of compensation you should be provided. Once that’s known, we can attempt to negotiate for a fair settlement or take the case to trial, whatever is needed to succeed for you.

Compensation that might apply to your Depo-Provera injury claim includes:

  • Medical treatment costs related to treating meningioma.
  • Future medical costs if your brain injury caused a disability.
  • Wages and income you did not earn and now cannot earn in the future.
  • Pain, suffering, lessened enjoyment of life, and shortened life expectancy.

Talk to Our Depo-Provera Lawyers Today

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not committed to an in-depth investigation into Depo-Provera’s link to meningioma. However, if enough people come forward with complaints and lawsuits, the FDA might be motivated to do more. By pursuing justice for yourself, you might also help protect others from an unsafe drug. At Hilliard Law, we’re always ready to support causes as good as yours, so please reach out today.

Call (877) 915-8955 or use an online contact form to request a FREE initial consultation.

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