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Corpus Christi Golf Cart Accident Attorneys

Trusted Counsel Since 1985

Golf carts are a fun and convenient way to traverse a golf course, but even with their small size, they can cause a sizable amount of damage. Each year, thousands of people suffer injuries in golf cart accidents.

Golf cart tipped on side

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America estimates that there are currently more than 16,000 golf courses in the United States, covering an area of more than 2.2 million acres. With abundant sunshine and warm temperatures, the weather in Texas is perfect all year round for playing golf. Unfortunately, there is always the risk of injury with good weather and fun activities.

As a victim, you may have the right to file a lawsuit and receive financial compensation for losses resulting from the accident, like lost earnings and medical costs.  An experienced Corpus Christi golf cart accident lawyer can help you file a successful claim.

Get started with a free consultation by calling our firm at (866) 927-3420 or filling out our online contact form today.

Do Golf Cart Accidents Cause Serious Injuries?

Golf cart accidents are much different than any other type of vehicle accident. Unlike cars or trucks, golf carts usually don’t have doors, seat belts, mirrors, or lights. Unlike motorcycles, drivers and passengers hardly ever wear helmets or other protective gear in golf carts.  Due to their relatively light weight and small tires, golf carts are also more susceptible to rolling over and ejecting their passengers in an accident.

In essence, golf carts are dangerous due to their design and the fact that they are often operated by individuals who lack safety training. Golf cart injuries can be as severe as or even worse than those from car accidents.

Depending on your circumstances, you might suffer any of the following serious injuries:

  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Internal organ damage

According to a study on golf cart-related injuries in the U.S. published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, approximately 150,000 wounded people were treated in emergency rooms in the United States for golf cart accidents between 1990 and 2006. The study’s researchers discovered that minors under 16 years old made up around 30% of the injuries. Additionally, soft tissue injuries like lacerations, cuts, and bruises affected 50% of patients, and 40% of injuries were from falling from golf carts.

While you are entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries, it isn’t always easy. An experienced golf cart accident lawyer may be able to assist you in recovering the cost of current or future care you may need for your golf cart accident injuries.

What Factors Determine Liability for a Golf Cart Accident Claim in Corpus Christi?

Determining liability is a crucial aspect of filing any personal injury claim. The plaintiff in a personal injury claim bears the burden of proving the party they have filed a claim against is the one who should be held liable for their injuries.

There are several factors to consider when determining who could be liable for a golf cart accident, such as:

  • Was the driver impaired?
  • Were there any mechanical issues with the golf cart?
  • Who was responsible for the golf cart’s maintenance?
  • Did the driver have a valid driver’s license to operate the golf cart?
  • Where did the accident take place?
  • Who owns the golf cart?

You may be able to pursue compensation from several potential parties. The maker and seller of the golf cart, a careless driver, and other third parties may be held accountable for your injuries. A property owner can also be held accountable if the accident occurred because they failed to resolve any known issues related to the golf carts on their premises, such as a lack of adequate braking capabilities.

Are There Any Restrictions on the Use of Golf Carts on Roads in Corpus Christi?

The usage of golf carts on public roads in Corpus Christi is regulated by Texas legislation. Golf carts, off-road vehicles, and neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs) are all deemed unique vehicles by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). TxDMV defines a golf cart as a motor vehicle specifically created by the manufacturer for use on a golf course.

Golf carts are required to include mirrors, a parking brake, reflectors, headlamps, and taillamps. They are not titled or registered by TxDMV. However, they are eligible for a golf cart license plate.

You may drive golf carts with a golf cart license plate on public roads in areas such as:

  • A master-planned neighborhood with a standard set of restrictive covenants and a plan that has been approved by the county or municipality
  • A public or private beach that is accessible by car
  • Less than two miles from the regular parking spot, on a roadway with a posted speed limit of 35 mph when traveling to and from a golf course during the day
  • Passing through intersections when the posted speed limit is greater than 35 mph

In addition, cities and some counties may permit the use of golf carts on roadways inside their city limits or in some counties’ unincorporated districts. Whenever a golf cart is used on a route that the city or county has approved, the license plate must be clearly visible, and the route must have a 35 mph maximum speed limit. A golf cart is obliged to carry a slow-moving vehicle symbol when driven on the roadways at a speed of 25 mph or less.

How Much Compensation Could I Get for a Golf Cart Accident in Corpus Christi?

Every case is different, and it can be tricky to calculate how much your case is worth. An important thing to consider is that your golf cart accident claim value will depend on the dollar value of the losses you have experienced. Your awarded compensation should reflect your total damages.

You may be able to seek several forms of compensation in personal injury cases involving golf carts, including:

  • Doctors appointments
  • Prescriptions
  • Surgeries
  • Loss of current and future income
  • Property damage costs
  • Repair costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Funeral expenses

Going through paperwork, gathering evidence, and building a solid case can be long and arduous, especially if you are unfamiliar with golf cart accidents and personal injury law. Our golf cart accident attorneys in Corpus Christi will determine who is at fault to hold the party responsible for your golf cart accident accountable.

Schedule a free consultation by filling out our contact form or calling (866) 927-3420.

Real Results ReaL Justice

  • $21.5
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    Distracted Driving Accident

    Mr. Hilliard was the lead trial attorney in a case involving a woman who was injured in a two-vehicle accident. The driver of the second car, an employee of Coca-Cola, was talking on her cell phone at the time of the accident.

  • $7.5
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    Rear-End Accident

    Hilliard Law recovered $7.5M for a client who sustained significant injuries after being rear-ended by a commercial truck.

  • $6
    Million Settlement
    Truck Accident

    Hilliard Law attorneys achieved a $6M settlement for a man who sustained serious injuries after being struck by an 18-wheeler.

  • $1.375
    Million Verdict
    Catastrophic Injury

    In 2019, Hilliard Law attorneys won a $1.375M jury for a man who sustained serious injuries in an automobile accident. This was a 2019 Top 100 Verdict.

Consult an Experienced Corpus Christi Golf Cart Accident Lawyer About Your Case

Compared to car accidents, golf cart accidents are rarely expected and often underestimated. Following a golf cart accident, you can find yourself suddenly swamped with tasks like getting medical treatment, negotiating with your insurance company, and filing claims. Also, due to the distinct nature of golf cart accidents, filing a successful claim requires understanding the specific laws relevant to them.

Contact Hilliard Law if you or a loved one has been injured in a golf cart accident. Hilliard Law has successfully represented clients in the US and Mexico since 1985, and our legal team includes award-winning personal injury lawyers who have been recognized for their skills. 

Real Clients. Real Stories. Real Justice. Tell Us Your Story

It’s our mission to hold the powerful accountable for their wrongdoing. Reach out to our team immediately regarding your case to schedule a free attorney consultation today.

719 S Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
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