Rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have made it easier than ever to find a ride. However, this new era of convenience has also ushered in additional risks on the road. With more and more rideshare drivers on our streets, your chances of being involved in an accident with one of these modern taxis is steadily increasing.
Thankfully, if you were hurt in a wreck involving an Uber or Lyft vehicle, you may be able to recover compensation for many of your damages by filing a personal injury claim. However, the claims process is rarely—if ever—a walk in the park. Depending on how much you are seeking, opposing parties may dig deep to find anything that could be used to dispute your claim—including scouring your social media posts for evidence.
As such, you must be careful about what you post online, as anything, including your pictures, reviews, and “check-ins”, could potentially compromise your claim. Read on for a few tips on how to use social media after a rideshare wreck:
1. Update Your Privacy Settings
By default, most social media accounts are public, leaving your feeds open for the world to see. As such, it’ll be relatively easy for the insurer to keep tabs on your online activity after an accident.
Fortunately, you can tweak your privacy settings to restrict who can view what you post. While there are still ways for the insurer to view your posts—via third-party connections, for example—taking this step will give you an added layer of protection during proceedings.
2. Never Discuss the Accident
After a serious wreck, it’s tempting to take to social media to share the harrowing moments of this traumatic event. However, posting about the accident, your injuries, or pending claim online could hurt your chances of recovering fair compensation.
The insurance company may, for instance, take your comments out of context to challenge your credibility. However, even seemingly unrelated posts could also be used to dispute aspects of your case. For example, pictures of you out at social gatherings just a few days after the wreck could be used to argue that your injuries aren’t as serious as you are claiming.
3. Skip the “Check-Ins”
On sites such as Facebook, you have the option to “check-in” whenever you arrive at a new location. These broadcasts can help you connect with your friends and followers. However, while your claim is pending, your next “check-in” could bring your case crumbling down. For example, if your activities show you hopping from bar to bar, the insurance company might assert that you ignored your doctor’s orders to rest.
Discuss Your Case with a Texas Rideshare Accident Attorney
Were you hurt in an Uber or Lyft accident? Reach out to the legal team at Hilliard Law to discuss your options. You may be able to recover compensation for many of your losses, including your medical expenses, lost wages, and replacement services. Dial (866) 927-3420 or head over to our contact form HERE to request a free case review with a Texas rideshare accident attorney.