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Filing for Damages after a Car Accident? Avoid These Common Errors


Seeking compensation after an accident can often feel like a tightrope walk. On the one hand, you have a responsibility to be careful about not exacerbating your injuries and setting back your recovery; on the other, you must remain vigilant so that you don’t make any mistakes that could give the insurance company reasons to dispute your claim.

In this article, we take a look at a few of the most common errors claimants make and how to avoid them:

1. You Didn’t Visit the Doctor

While your injuries may not seem serious, you should still visit the doctor to make sure you’re in the clear. Some impact injuries could take a few hours—or even days—to manifest symptoms. Left unchecked, such conditions could worsen, leading to potentially fatal health complications. As such, you should undergo a comprehensive medical assessment as soon as possible after leaving the scene. Taking this step could also help mitigate disputes over liability and damages during proceedings.

2. You Posted about the Accident on Social Media

After a wreck, your emotions will likely be running high. In this state, it’s all too easy to say or do something that might hurt your chances of recovering fair compensation. Nowhere is this truer than on social media.

In the digital space, your comments, reviews and pictures can live forever—especially if someone screenshots your activity. As such, the insurer might begin monitoring your profiles to dig up any evidence that could be used to challenge your credibility. In almost all situations, it’s best to deactivate your accounts for the duration of proceedings.

3. You Deviated from Your Doctor’s Orders

After you’ve undergone a medical assessment, your doctor may instruct you to take certain steps to ensure your injuries heal. For instance, he or she may tell you to book time off work, avoid physical activity, take certain prescription drugs, or perform daily stretches.

While you might think they’re being overly cautious, you should never go against their orders. Signs that you deviated from your treatment plan could give the insurance company enough ammunition to dispute your claim. For instance, they might argue that you failed in your responsibility to take sufficient measures to mitigate further losses.

4. You Failed to Track Your Damages

After a wreck, your expenses can add up incredibly quickly, so it’s important to create a folder to file any relevant invoices, receipts, and estimates so they aren’t lost. As you will need to provide evidence of the losses you incurred, these financial documents will likely play a crucial role in your case.

Speak to a Texas Car Accident Attorney Today

If you were injured on the road through no fault of your own, discuss your claim with a skilled car accident attorney. At Hilliard Law, we are to help. Our legal team has extensive experience handling personal injury cases, and can provide tenacious representation at every stage of proceedings. Contact us today at (361) 882-1612 or visit our contact page HERE to request a free case review.

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